Saturday, 25 August 2012

Sweet Little Peas

Another week down, wasn't a great week.  I suffered from the wonderful All Day Sickness. I struggled to eat all week and lost 5lbs because I couldn't eat.  I found myself feeling really run down as well, even going to bed early didn't make me feel well rested.   Finally I heard form a girl at work about pink ladies, a pill for pregnancy nausea.  Woo Hoo! Got my pills on Thursday and today after sleeping 17 hours straight I am feeling an appetite again.  Thank you Pink Ladies!

Today the babies are the size of sweet peas.

Here is what our embryo should look like at week 6.  More features are developing and the babies lungs are developing and their hearts are beating approximately 100bp minute.

Only a week and a half to go before we get to hear our babies heart beats and get confirmation of how many are growing away in there.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Beta and Appleseed(s)

So it is official, we're PREGNANT!  Beta came back Wednesday as 4675!  That's a great number for 21 days past ovulation.  According to Betabase, an online database where people record their betas for pregnancies, it would be in the top 10%  for highest results for a singleton pregnancy. Now that makes me wonder if both embryo's may have taken. For twin pregnancies my beta would in the top 50%.   So either we have one strong baby or two that are right on track.

Our first ultrasound is on September 5th and that is when we will know if it is one or two and get to hear the heartbeat(s).  I am super excited for this day.

For now our I will refer to them as babies, as I feel deep down that we are having twins. As of today they are the size of appleseeds.

They are starting to develop from that embryo state that looks like cells to itty bitty little tadpoles.

Their hearts are developing and beginning to beat.  At this stage the hearbeat could only be heard by an internal ultrasound.  Within a couple weeks they can be heard by external ultrasound and a few weeks later by a Doppler.

So far everything has been pretty good.  I am leaning that some of the foods that I love aren't agreeing with the babies.  Yesterday I had my first bout with nausea while eating my favorite Friday lunch special the Mediterranean Plate.  It came out almost faster then it went in (Sorry TMI).  In any case I am through with it for now.  After much rest I awoke this morning feeling good.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

4 Weeks

I know I'm being cray, cray but it makes me happy to see a positive result each morning. Beta is still 6 days away.  Here is my test from August 7th:

And my one from August 8th:

Each are three days after the others of the same kind, as you can see they are darker so that's a good sign.  It means my HCG (The pregnancy hormone) is rising.  

So as of Wednesday I am 4 weeks pregnant.  My baby is the size of a poppyseed.  I know that sounds small but two weeks ago the blastocysts were microscopic.  Today the placenta is beginning to form as well as the amniotic sac.    

So far I am feeling good.  My stomach feels tight like I've been doing sit-ups.   My appetite comes and goes.  No nausea yet, praying for that to stay away. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Still Testing

Well I need to find a way to pass the time until my real pregnancy test so I am still testing away.
This test is from Sunday August 5th, 2012.  Positive Clear Blue Easy Test.

This is from this morning.  Another Clear Blue easy this time digital.  This is accurate since this brand bases the number on conception date.  The doctors go from the date of the start of your last menstrual.  So that means as of today I am 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant.

So far I am feeling good.  I'm not really hungry and after I eat I feel some twinges.  I'm trying my best to eat regularly and healthy.  Which means more milk, fruit and vegetables and less bad stuff.

Saturday, 4 August 2012


Today is 5 days past my 5 day transfer and a home pregnancy test is making me see double:

I know it is still faint but it is also very early.  Still 11 days until a doctor will confirm but I am feeling positive.  

From Wednesday on I was hoping to feel something, I know I'm crazy but I just wanted to feel something different.  I tested every day since then.  Wednesday, BFN! (Big Fat Negative) Thursday, BFN, but about 30 minutes later I thought I saw a faint line.  However that disappeared leaving me thinking I was crazy.  That same day I felt different, I know my mind could be playing tricks on me but I believe it was telling me I was pregnant.  So Friday I was expecting to see a positive result... BFN! Again a line appeared after and it was darker then the day before but again it faded and left only a verrrrrry faint line.  But my body was telling me something different and I knew it would change soon.

The tests I was using were cheapy internet ones that will detect pregnancy at later time then some of the store ones.  I planned on waiting till tomorrow to do a store one but couldn't resist today.  And whamo! BFP!!!