Saturday, 4 August 2012


Today is 5 days past my 5 day transfer and a home pregnancy test is making me see double:

I know it is still faint but it is also very early.  Still 11 days until a doctor will confirm but I am feeling positive.  

From Wednesday on I was hoping to feel something, I know I'm crazy but I just wanted to feel something different.  I tested every day since then.  Wednesday, BFN! (Big Fat Negative) Thursday, BFN, but about 30 minutes later I thought I saw a faint line.  However that disappeared leaving me thinking I was crazy.  That same day I felt different, I know my mind could be playing tricks on me but I believe it was telling me I was pregnant.  So Friday I was expecting to see a positive result... BFN! Again a line appeared after and it was darker then the day before but again it faded and left only a verrrrrry faint line.  But my body was telling me something different and I knew it would change soon.

The tests I was using were cheapy internet ones that will detect pregnancy at later time then some of the store ones.  I planned on waiting till tomorrow to do a store one but couldn't resist today.  And whamo! BFP!!!

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