Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Embryo Transfer - Two Week Wait

So it is official I am Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise (PUPO).  Two Embryo's transferred both Blasts.  Here is a picture:

The Larger one is a full blast and the smaller one is an early blast.  It was crazy to see the size difference.  Overall the process was easy, 15 minutes and you are done.  The worst part of it was that you need a full bladder for it.  Mine was ready to explode and the doctor was 10 minutes late to make it worse.  I was so scared I wouldn't be able to hold it especially since the nurse was pressing down on my stomach doing an ultrasound.  I made it, phew! Ran for the bathroom without even resting for a few minutes.  Let's hope they didn't fall out during my mad dash. LOL!

So now is the dreaded Two Week Wait (TWW) well actually 16 days for my Beta test.  However I can test at home prior to that and I should be able to get a result one way or another.  I'm torn as to when to start testing.  I know of people that got positive readings as early as three days.  Most not until 6 plus days.  I being a bit cray cray bought 20 test strips online for this TWW.  They only cost $15 verses paying double for two from the pharmacy.  So I can test rotten without it costing me.  But do I want the stress of not knowing is there a line or no line.  Am I too early, or is it negative.  Let's face it I have 20 tests I'm going to test.

Oh and my third embryo didn't make it. :(

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